Roll with the Waves of Transition

March 2021 by Sharon Dillard

Vaccines are rolling out. A new administration is at the helm of government. There’s a feeling of optimism in the air that we might get back to “normal” this year. But what does normal even mean? Here are my predictions for the year ahead.

A year of transition. In a few months, we’ll be heading back to in-person school, to stores and restaurants, and maybe even traveling to faraway places. But transitions often happen in fits and starts, so make sure to give each other some grace as we take two steps forward and perhaps a few steps back.

Times have changed. Many of us have been able to work remotely – whether at home or from another location than our “regular” workplaces. This will continue, as businesses have realized that working remotely has actually made many of us more productive. In fact, the McKinsey Global Institute estimates that more than 20 percent of the global workforce will be just as effective working most of the time away from the office.

New services grow. Speaking of no going back, who loves all the new ways to never leave the house? Between delivery of groceries, restaurant meals, and other items facilitated by services like Instacart, DoorDash and Fetch, I know I’m running fewer errands. I can even get my car detailed without dropping it somewhere – they’ll come to me! Telehealth appointments means less time in doctors’ offices, and technologies like Facetime and Zoom mean I’m actually doing more visiting with people far away. What new services will this year bring?

Sprucing up our home. Have you painted, hung new curtains, installed new windows or created a new or better landscape for outdoor living in your own backyard? Home improvement, landscaping and gardening have all seen huge leaps in the past year. I predict those services will continue to grow in 2021 as we continue to remake our personal space.

Being entertained and educated at home. One of the amazing happenings of the past year is the abundance of artistic and cultural programming that we all can access online. Museums, lectures, musicians, theatre and the movies have all added ways to view collections, get educated, hear concerts, see theater and “go to the movies” from the comfort of our homes. There has never been more artistic, cultural and educational programming online. And much of it is free or low cost.

Check in this time next year to see whether I’m Nostradamus or my predictions went bust. All I do know is that we’re in for a year of transition where nothing will be the same in our new “normal.” Just sayin’.

Published: New Mexico Apartment News Magazine – March/April issue 2021

Sharon Dillard is the award-winning CEO of Get A Grip Inc., a national franchise kitchen and bathroom resurfacing company based in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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