Holiday Recovery Made Simple

January 2024 by Sharon Dillard

The holidays stress some of us out, but for me, it’s the post-holiday weeks that really get to me. The festive buzz is over, and it’s back to tackling projects we postponed. When anxiety about the future or past troubles me, I recall advice from a wise horse trainer: Breathe. Stay in the moment—right here, right now.

Living in an age of distractions, constant technology disrupts our focus on the future. At work, I daydream about vacation, yet on vacation, I fret about the mounting workload back at my desk. Appreciating the present is a challenge; our minds, like monkeys, swing from thought to thought. Phones and devices only add to the chaos.

Here are a few post-holiday tips that help me stay present: 

Recharge: Sick of feeling exhausted? Our bodies need energy to face challenges, and stress saps it away. A gym membership could help, but I often end up yawning on the machines. My solution? Spin class! With a set time and supportive companions, it’s the perfect boost. If group classes aren’t your style and you’re in a chilly locale like me (thanks, Albuquerque), try walking on an indoor track. Local high schools or community centers might even offer it for free – check out your options! 

Renew: So, let’s talk about sleep—it’s kind of like the VIP pass to recovering, right? I’ve found that getting into a cozy routine of hitting the hay and waking up around the same time, even on lazy weekends, has been my secret weapon for renewing that energy. It’s like a subtle yet powerful reboot for the day. 

Breathe: Ever notice how we can totally forget to do something as basic as, well, breathing? It’s kind of funny, but seriously, it works wonders! Take a sec—right now if you want—and take a slow inhale. Then let it out. These deep breaths help you stay focused and centered. Throw in some deep breaths during your commute, whether you’re cruising to work or running errands. And hey, don’t forget to pull out this trick when you find yourself in some wild or unfamiliar situation—it helps release the fear that comes along with it.

Unplug: Once a week, I make it a mission to ditch the screens and immerse myself in a good book instead of binge-watching TV. Picture this: my favorite classical music playing softly in the background, creating the perfect soundtrack to my tech-free day. Welcome to my “Sanity Sundays.” It’s like a mental reset button, helping me refocus and gather my thoughts for the week ahead.

Trade-Off: Now, here’s my game plan for tackling the office chaos. Channeling the vibe of “Sanity Sundays,” I make my Fridays escape. I take off on Friday, then I swing back into the office on Sundays, tripling my productivity. It’s a savvy trade-off, keeping me sane and setting the stage for a week of peak performance.

Multi-tasking: Ever catch onto the irony that the person claiming to juggle twenty things is usually not in the best mood? Trust me, been there. Trying to do ten things at once turns into an internal battle for me. I’d rather tackle one thing at a time, fully present and, of course, happy, than juggle ten things and risk forgetting I’m doing any of them—or worse, doing them all poorly.

Flow: Acceptance is key—we can’t control every detail. It can be tough to ride the waves of uncertainty, but when it happens, I take a breath and remind myself that others need the freedom and trust to handle their roles. If the end result is solid, it’s time to ditch the micromanaging and let the flow take its course.

Embrace the moment: According to General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt, “Do every job like you’re going to have it forever. People start to get derailed when they say [about a task], ‘This one is beneath me.’ Being the best at whatever you’re doing, in the moment, is very, very rewarding.” So, dive in, give your all, and savor the satisfaction of being fully present in each task.

So, when the post-holiday buzz sets in and I find myself stressing about all the things I need to tackle—returning calls & emails and getting those projects back on track—I keep these tips in mind to help me stay right here, right now. Just sayin’!

Sharon Dillard is the award-winning CEO of Get A Grip Inc., a national franchise kitchen and bathroom resurfacing company based in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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